Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tiger Woods... Is he to blame? Or the other women?

Over the past few weeks we have been hearing allot of about Tiger woods and his infidelities. And what I have been thinking about is the other women. What kind of a woman cheats? Why don't single women have the respect for there fellow sex to stay away from there husbands? This is the question I would love to have an answer to!

I am a single women and I can tell you right now I would never ever cheat on a married man!! I know some people say "never say never". But it seems to me people should make commitments to themselves such as this and write it down. Because sometimes you have to make that commitment to make sure it never happens.

Why is it that women do not have more loyalty to each other! I see it as were all sisters out there and we need to watch out and protect each other. Think of your best girlfriends and if they were cheated on? I can tell you right now I would make that man's life a living nightmare! And why is it that women are not being more persecuted. One of Tigers many flings (I'm not going to mention her name) just got a spread in MAXIM magazine.

What is this were saying; good for you! You had sex with a married man so let's condone it and give you a spread in a magazine!! What is this saying to everyone? Go find yourself a marred man and if he's famous you may get rich off of it? And when your friend gets cheated on and you see the hurt and you know you have been one of those other women. How can you live with yourself? And Carma, what goes around comes around. So when it happens to you, don't even get upset because you have no right. Women let's stand together as a united sex. The men do not have control and do not let them manipulate you. Don't become that kind of girl. Have morals, propriety, and respect for yourself.

Honestly if I could change things affairs would be against the law and there would be jail time and a serious fine. Because our society needs to learn that this behavior is not acceptable. So have respect for the sacredness of marriage. And if you our married work hard at it and don't give up. You made a commitment and I truly believe it's possible to be happy with ONE person for the rest your life. So don't go interfering with someones marriage!


  1. I'm so happy you have a blog because I love your opinions. Thanks for being an awesome friend. Love you. Let's get together after Christmas!

  2. and this is why i love you!
